In the last year and a half serendipity had led her on an erotic journey that literally led her and her lovers to discover the true fountain of youth on their adventures through Africa and Asia. Perhaps it was not just the Mahala wine, which was where their bodies first began the reversal of time in their bodies, but the constant state of eroticism the four of them had been in ever since they had left London on what was supposed to be a simple rendezvous with her sky captain Andy. However, it was not just Andy who had surprised her, but also her former lover, the Army Colonel, Bobby, and the American Naval Officer, James. James was the man she had kissed only once, but his erotic hold on her had been deep.
Now here she was a woman who not just belonged to three men, all of whom shared her equally happily, but also a woman who had been made an African queen, a Geisha and the lover to countless men all under the loving tutelage of her three military officers, her commanders, or, as her favorite song says, her "sirs." In fact she and her sirs had all been married in a ployamorous wedding ceremony in India, and though she did not wear three wedding rings, she and her men each wore a special gold pendant symbolizing their love.
Every time she made love to any one of them, often at the same time, that song played somewhere in the background. Making love to her "Sirs" had taken her to romantic and erotic bliss that no other woman has ever known. Often she and her men made love to her while at the same time they made love to each other, for James had freed the men of all fear of the homoerotic. On their journeys the American commander, under the heady influence of the Mahala, led she and her pilots down the wondrous road of gender bending, free love, interracial love, bisexuality, bestiality, exhibitionism, and countless other taboo perversions. Because of James, she and her British sirs found their way to a secluded beach hideaway in the Seychelles where, with their ebony trans lover Lola, drank gallons of Mahala wine and soon found their bodies and minds forever changed.
For the men, it meant that they could stay forever hard and doubled their girth and length. For Lola, it meant her male half reaped the same benefit that her male lovers had gained, while at the same time, her breasts swelled and leaked milk just like hers did. Lola was their constant companion on their journeys and she and Sonia had bonded and become best girlfriends and lovers. Lola also was James's lover when her pilots wanted Sonia all to herself, and pleasured the pilots when she wanted private times with James. However, despite the fact that Lola was biologically a male, there were times when she and her had their female rivalries, though every time a situation had developed it was soon diffused by a kiss or often deep soulful love making while their men watched.
For Sonia, the doubling of her breast size and her constant lactation was disconcerting, but it would soon prove to be an erotic blessing, for her men feasted from her bosom daily while at the same time their copious amounts of spunk fed her every morning and night. In fact, her milky breasts needed regular tending and on numerous occasions on their journey strangers were blessed with her nourishment. She was milked by many men as she also had insatiably milked them to nourish her need for male seed.
As she touched her nipples and stroked them Sonia silently moaned. It had been just a few hours since her men had last touched her, and soon they would touch her again once the flight attendant turned off and she could enter the cock pit where her pilots were now focused on flying the plane. Sadly, the commander had flown off to where their next adventure was soon to begin, deep in the heart of the Congo. However, for Susan her body could not wait for her pilots as she looked over at the handsome man sitting across from her who quickly joined her in her seat and made love hard and quietly as the passengers around them slept, or at least thought they slept. For after making love once, another stranger finished her off, after which she made her way to the suitably named cockpit to feed her men and to partake of their male protein....